viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

The Beatles - 2015 - Recopilaciones Instrumentales (3 Cd's)

The Beatles - 2015 - Recopilaciones Instrumentales (3 Cd's)




1969 - Abbey Road Instrumental 


1.Come Together
3.Maxwell's Silver Hammer
4.Oh! Darling
5.Octopus's Garden
6.I Want You (She's So Heavy)
7.Here Comes the Sun
9.You Never Give Me Your Money
10.Sun King
11.Mean Mr. Mustard
12.Polythene Pam
13.She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14.Golden Slumbers
15.Carry That Weight
16.The End
17.Her Majesty

Tamaño: 100.4 Mb


2000 - 20 Gret Hits Hooked of The Beatles Instrumental


01.- Imagina.mp3
02.- A hard day's night.mp3
03.- Norwegian wood.mp3
04.- All my loving.mp3
05.- And I lover her.mp3
06.- Don't let me down.mp3
07.- Ticket to ride.mp3
08.- Hey jude.mp3
09.- Girl.mp3
10.- Help!.mp3
11.- Penny lane.mp3
12.- Michelle.mp3
13.- She love you.mp3
14.- Hello goodbye.mp3
15.- Yollow submarine.mp3
16.- The long and winding.mp3
17.- Love me do.mp3
18.- Ob la di ob la da.mp3
19.- Let it be.mp3
20.- Get back.mp3

Tamaño: 56.2 Mb


2006 - Instrumental Beatles


01 - Yesterday
 02 - Let It Be
 03 - Hey Jude
 04 - Imagine
 05 - Something
 06 - And I Love Her
 07 - The Fool On The Hill
 08 - Here, There And Everywhere
 09 - Woman
 10 - Michelle
 11 - Do You Want To Know A Secret
 12 - Across The Universe
 13 - Here Comes The Sun
 14 - A Day In The Life
 15 - The Long And Winding Road
 16 - Strawberry Fields Forever
 17 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
 18 - Girl
 19 - Norwegian Wood
 20 - In My Life

Tamaño: 55.7 Mb


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